Longitude: Where in the world are we?
Yes a tradesman like us solved the greatest riddle in the world. The only way to know where you are at sea is to know exactly where you would be on land at the same time. As the planets circled the orbits, land rotated accordingly. If man navigated by stars alone, land was moving away as the stars declined in height off the level ocean. Throw in clouds and storms and chaos reigned. Add some calm winds and no wind days, and starvation set in as supplies ran out. Basically , mathematically stop the land spinning, and distance and time spent traveling would have made sense. A carpenter made the first clock that could withstand ocean turbulence, dampness and being knocked off balance. It took four men to carry it on board and strap it to a table. Harrison was ridiculed because elite astronomers said he was talking rubbish. He disproved Isaac Newton! A carpenter ! Believe in yourself. H1
The question. where are we? Where is home?
Harrison's time piece solved the problem. Too big he said. So...... Harrison 4 took a lifetime of work to get it to this size. Today..... We wear such a watch on our wrist !
Problem solved. We now know where North and South is because the equator was half way. So, with Harrison's mathematics we must split the world in half on an East West axis. The meridian. The vertical equivelant of the equator was decided to run through Greenwich. Hence Greenwich Mean Time. This is zero. Meridian.
Im on both sides of the world.
Because of this data we can map cities, subdivisions and finally set elevations which we use today to pitch brick paver patios etc. My next venture is to find where 0' Mean Sea Level is so we can tell a homeowner how we can calculate with accuracy their hardscape elevations specifically relating to their project. Stay tuned.